Week 1: Principle and Practice

The first and most basic one is that a technology is a means to fulfill a human purpose. The second definition I will alow is a plural one: technology as an assembloage of practices and components. I will also allow a third meaning. This is technology as the entire collection of devices and engineering practices availabe to a culture
--- The Nature of Technology: What It is and How It Evolves

What about this week on Principle and Practice?

David S Kong, Joseph Jacobson and George Church opened the class with overall view on Gene therapy, DNA storage and Gene synthesis. Megan Palmer gave us on the bio policy.

Self-quantification with home print molecular diagnosis device

molecular device One of technology I really interested about is the self-quantifying molecular tools for home use. People can choose the known oligo sequence that after folding is able to detect certain physical related markers such as oxidative stress, hormone. They can easily print the oligo sequence on desktop machine and the machine is able to not only produce the oligo sequence but also folding and modification for stability purpose. Then, people can put there self-quantifying device into the machine for packing the molecular reagent. People then can use the self-quantifying device to detect the target in their sample such as saliva. The result then sent to their app for recording and sharing. They can then change their behavior according to the result.

De-centralized self-quantification for individual is the trend : from basic physiology information to more advanced bio molecular data
  • The post-COVID era, decentralized medical service is the obvious trend
  • As people getting more knowledge on self-care, empower they with the tool for self-quantifying is human right!
  • The nucleic acid technology is ready for this kind of application!

Bio-Policy oon self-quantification at home